Donating your milk is convenient and easy
Depot location for
okmilkbank.orgSalina Regional Health Center Breast Milk Depot collects human milk that will help nurture premature or critically ill babies. Salina Regional was the first hospital in the state of Kansas to partner with Oklahoma Mothers’ Milk Bank who collects and distributes breast milk in Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas
Mothers who have filled out the paper work and have been approved can drop off their frozen milk at the SRHC Breast Milk Depot located inside the main lobby of the hospital.
The SRHC Breast Milk Depot freezer keeps the milk frozen at a constant temperature below freezing. Every two months, or sooner if needed, the frozen milk will be picked up by the Oklahoma Mothers’ Milk Bank and will be pasteurized using the Holder Method, which is a process of heating milk to 62.5° C for 30 minutes in a shaking water bath. The processed milk is then rapidly cooled, frozen, and stored at or below -20°. The pasteurization process guidelines are set forth by the Human Milk Banking Association of North America. After the pasteurization process, the milk is bottled and kept frozen with dry ice in an insulated box that is shipped to hospitals with tamper evident tape.
Breastfeeding and human milk are the preferred standard for infant feeding and nutrition, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
- Fill out the donation form by visiting and click on “donate milk” tab.
- An Oklahoma Mothers’ Milk Bank staff member will contact you for a phone interview, and potentially, a few lab tests (paid for by OMMB).
- Once approved, you will be provided pumping supplies and a donor number.
- Call 785-452-7474 and set up a drop off appointment at the SRHC Main Entrance (M-F, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., holidays excluded).
Bags of milk must be labeled with the donor number and may be placed in a grocery or ziplock bag to keep them grouped together.
Milk may not be older than 6 months. (deep freeze for 6 months prior to donation, or 3 months in a regular freezer).