
Salina Regional's Trauma Team

Salina Regional Health Center implemented a team approach that responds by providing high-quality care for traumatically injured patients. A specially designated team of individuals with highly defined roles report to the emergency department as soon as a trauma call is received.

The team includes a trauma surgeon, emergency department physician, trauma control nurse, intensive care nurse, surgical nurse and staff from radiology, laboratory, blood bank, pharmacy, respiratory care, security and chaplaincy.


Justin Klaassen, D.O.
Trauma Medical Director

Meet our Providers

 Back row from left: Stacy Jones, M.D.; Leah Speaks, M.D.; Justin Klaassen, D.O.; Kyrie Ritzdorf, PA; Jesse Gray, M.D.  Front row from left: Lindsay Intchauspe, RN; Chelsea Cowart, RN; Rachelle Giroux, BSN, RN, CEN; Sonya Wysong, RN